Implementation of the project “BOQua digital”
All products of the Erasmus+ project „BOQua digital“ are developed under the direction of the
“Pädagogische Hochschule Schwäbisch Gmünd” together with four European project partners from Austria, UK, Spain and Slovenia. The UK partner (and here Scotland) is new while the other three partner were already involved in the previous project. The five qualification modules as well as the five vocational field-specific VO measure concepts based on a country-specific analysis of the need for qualification in relation to professional changes due to increasing digitization in the world of work and on the identification of existing VO measure concepts that take into account aspects of digitization in the world of work and professions. Furthermore case studies with the direct beneficiaries of the products like e.g. teacher, social pedagogues, training experts and specialists in youth work as well as with the indirect beneficiaries, young people, are carried out. And the investigation is supplemented by an analysis of new profession and changed profession profiles.
To ensure that the content and structure of the qualification modules meets the needs of the VO specialists they will be tested (in each country one) in a pilot phase and evaluated by the beneficiaries. The new measure concepts as well as the overview of the core training professions and the quality standards will also evaluated by experts. The assessment instrument, on the other hand, will also be tested and evaluated directly and easily. Finally the proposal for implementation of the qualification modules on the national and the EU level will be discussed with experts. Thus can be ensured that the modules will be used sustainably.
Implementation of the project “BOQua”
All products of the Erasmus+ project „BOQua“ are developed under the direction of the “Pädagogische Hochschule Schwäbisch Gmünd” together with four European project partners from Austria, UK, Spain and Slovenia. The qualification concept is based on a country-specific analysis of good practice examples with regard to the implementation of successful vocational orientation measures and activities as well as case studies with the implementing staff of vocational orientation and advisors like teachers, social pedagogues, training experts and specialists in youth work.
Furthermore the developed training modules for five different professional fields are tested in a pilot phase to ensure that the implementation is sustainable and possible. The developed assessment instrument for training companies should also be evaluated by the beneficiaries which are on the one hand enterprises, that use the assessment instrument to evaluate the vocational orientation process of potential apprentices and on the other hand the potential apprentices / trainees who can fill it in.
To ensure the sustainable use of the developed qualification concept and the five modules a guideline for implementation is created which includes different proposals for national implementation as well as for the implementation at EU-level.