1. European qualification concept „specialist for vocational orientation“
The European qualification concept "specialist for vocational orientation" includes all aspects relevant to transfer to other countries and the successful implementation of the qualification, such as fields of action / qualification key aspects, acquired competences, teaching / learning content and all relevant professional, methodological and social aspects that are placed on the different vocational orientation specialists. The concept is based on the philosophy of the European core professions with a European core profile and national priorities depending on the specific situation in the countries. The focus is on the description of the key areas of qualification with the necessary competences and goal formulations (a kind of European core curriculum). The concept was designed so that it can easily be transferred to countries that are not involved in the project. Nevertheless it was created in such a way that European countries who were not involved in the project can do country-specific adaptations. Thus, the comparability of the qualification in the EU is maintained and a possible recognition of the acquired competences is made possible. The concept is developed in English as well as in German.
2. Further training modules for specialists for vocational orientation
The following five further training modules focus the vocational orientation in specifics vocational field: the industrial-technical, craft, commercial, service and green/ environmental sector. The modules are aimed at all actors in the field vocational orientation, who want to advise and accompany young people more professional in their vocational choice. The further training modules should contain concrete implementation recommendations and first learning and teaching materials. The module descriptions contain statements on the competencies, didactic implementation options and concrete statements on the time requirements for the implementation. They combine different didactic methods in order to promote not only present-learning but also phases of self-organized learning. The structure is prepared in a way that the user (qualifying institutions, e.g. further education institutes, universities) can implement it easily and self-educated. They include an introduction, a teaching and learning content table, a rough concept as well as detailed schedules for each teaching day. The modules are prepared in English for the transfer in each country as well as in the foreign language of the partner who has developed it.
2.1. Module for the field „industrial and technical professions“
In English:
Teaching and learning materials
In Deutsch
Lehr- und Lernmaterialien
2.2. Module for the field „professions in the craft sector“
In English:
Teaching and learning materials
In Deutsch:
Lehr- und Lernmaterialien
2.3. Module for the field „commercial professions“
In English:
Teaching and learning materials
Učni in učni material
2.4. Module for the field „service professions“
In English:
Teaching and learning materials
2.5. Module for the field „green/environmental professions“
In English:
Teaching and learning materials
In Spanish:
Materiales de enseñanza y aprendizaje
3. Good practice guideline for implementation of vocational orientation measures
The good practice guideline includes a number of good practice examples for the practical implementation of vocational orientation measures, activities, models, concepts, counseling, which are identified in the partner countries of the project and, where appropriate, usable instruments and materials which can be found under the further information of each chapter. On the one hand, it should promote transnational transparency in vocational orientation and, on the other hand, it should make a contribution to the practical implementation of the knowledge, skills and competences acquired in the qualification "Specialist for Vocational Orientation". It contains practical good practice examples from different countries, which can be implemented in each European country. It was structured in such a way that it can be used by different actors in the vocational orientation (for example, teachers, youth workers, career counselors) and they receive practical suggestions for their work. The guideline is published in English as well as for the international transfer in English. Furthermore an English summary of all investigation results on the status quo and good practice in vocational orientation of the five partner countries has been added.
4. Quality standards for the European qualification concept
The following quality standards for the European qualification concept „specialist for vocational orientation” describe on the one hand the necessary resources, framework conditions and the training regulations (input quality standards) and on the other the didactic concept (process quality standards) and thus the process of the qualification, as well as the objectives, competencies, learning / training success and the achievable certificates (output quality standards). They represent a kind of basic framework for the implementation of the qualification. The quality standards ensure the comparability of the qualification of actors or experts of vocational orientation after the transfer of the European qualification concept to other EU countries.
5. Assessment instrument for companies/institutions to assess preactivities of vocational orientation
The assessment instrument is used to assess potential apprentices in terms of their carried out vocational orientation activities. It is intended to provide training companies and institutions information which vocational orientation measures and activities potential apprentices have taken in advance of their professional decision. Companies should be assisted to determine whether a potential trainee has collected sufficient knowledge of the sector in which he / she is seeking an apprenticeship/ training as well as of the chosen profession prior he / she was making his / her professional decision in and how he /she get this knowledge. The assessment instrument includes a guideline where the use is described in details and which includes all questionnaires as well as an analysis tool. It can be adapted if necessary and other aspects have a relevance in the different countries where it will be used.
6. Guideline for implementation of the European qualification concept
The following guideline for implementation of the European qualification concept include beside a proposal for the implementation of the EU concept at the European level, different proposals for implementing the EU concept at the national level of the participating partner countries (Germany, Austria, Slovenia, Spain and the UK). In order to better classify the implementation proposals, at first the VET system of the individual countries was described and then represented the corresponding proposals for the implementation of the EU concept. Because the implementation of an EU concept with all its components (e.g. qualification modules) is attended by potential costs, also proposals for funding have been developed and highlighted in separate chapters The individual country-specific proposals for the implementation and financing of the EU concept were developed independently by the respective partners and discussed in detail in the project consortium. Furthermore for the different country-specific proposals for implementation the project partner create an own document (in English and their language) beside the whole guideline, which includes en EU proposal as well as all country proposals.
Country-specific proposals / guideline for implementation of the EU qualification concept
United Kingdom
Materials, Tools for Vocational orientation measures