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1. Specific qualification modules for further training of specialists for vocational orientation

The following five innovative specific qualification modules are developed for further training of vocational orientation (VO) specialists and provide specific knowledge as well as implementation recommendations with regard to the working with the target group "young people in the career choice process "and against the background of the topic "digitisation in the world of work ". The modules focus the needs of the target group and centre the changes in the working / professional world due to the increasing digitisation. The modules focus beside general vocational aspects like the changes in profession profiles, the operational challenges and the requirements to apprentices, which result from the increasing digitisation also especially vocational field aspects, required competencies for apprentices and know-how and methods for transferring information to young people. The specialist for vocational orientation will be enabled to advise and to support young people professionally and goal-oriented with a view to the vocational changes due to the increasing digitisation. In order to take into account a wide range of aspects and to impart a holistic know-how to the young people after the further training, the specialists for vocational orientation can access in the context of further training four different vocational field-specific modules and one module, that focus on the challenges of the digitisation for apprenticeships in general. Each module includes an extensive and comprehensible description that shows the skills to be imparted and the learning objective and describes the didactic implementation options, as well as the time frame. In addition, each module includes a rough concept for a detailed overview of all relevant facts of the different training days as well as detailed schedules for each planned training day and a teaching content table. 

1.1 Module „The challenges of digitisation for training and work”


In English:

Didactical preparation for the qualification module - The challenges for training and work
Module Challenges Training Work_BOQua di[...]
PDF-Dokument [449.1 KB]
Introduction to the module using digital media / methods
Dig module introduction_Challenges_BQA d[...]
Microsoft Power Point-Präsentation [204.4 KB]

1.2 Module Digitised production professions”


In English:

Didactical preparation for the qualification module - Digitised production professions
Module Production Professions_BOQua digi[...]
PDF-Dokument [510.2 KB]
Introduction to the module using digital media / methods
Dig module introduction_ProducProfession[...]
Microsoft Power Point-Präsentation [1.5 MB]

In Deutsch:

Digitale Aufbereitung des Qualifizierungsmoduls – Digitalisierte Produktionsberufe
Modul Produktionsberufe_BOQua digial_dt.[...]
PDF-Dokument [555.0 KB]
Einführung in das Modul mittels digitaler Medien / Methode
Dig Moduleinführung_ProduktBerufe_BQA d[...]
Microsoft Power Point-Präsentation [1.5 MB]
Einführung in das Modul mittels digitaler Medien / Methode
Video_Dig Moduleinführung_ProduktProf_B[...]
PDF-Dokument [98.1 KB]

1.3 Module „Digitisation in the craft”


In English:

Didactical preparation for the qualification module – Digitisation in the craft
Modul Digitisation in the craft_BOQua di[...]
PDF-Dokument [450.8 KB]
Introduction to the module using digital media / methods#
Dig module introduction_CraftProfessions[...]
Microsoft Power Point-Präsentation [523.0 KB]

In Deutsch:

Digitale Aufbereitung des Qualifizierungsmoduls – Digitalisierung im Handwerk
Module Digitalisierung im Handwerk_BOQua[...]
PDF-Dokument [418.8 KB]
Einführung in das Modul mittels digitaler Medien / Methode
Dig Moduleinführung_HandwerkBerufe_BQA [...]
Microsoft Power Point-Präsentation [17.6 MB]
Einführung in das Modul mittels digitaler Medien / Methode
Video_Dig Moduleinführung_HandwerkBeruf[...]
PDF-Dokument [88.6 KB]

1.4 Module „Commercial professions in the course of digitisation”


In English:

Didactical preparation for the qualification module – Commercial professions in the course of digitisation
Module Commercial professions_BOQua digi[...]
PDF-Dokument [493.4 KB]

V slovenščini:

Didaktična priprava modula – Trgovski poklici v luči digitalizacije
Modula Trgovski poklici_BOQua digital_sl[...]
PDF-Dokument [598.8 KB]
Uvod v modul z uporabo digitalnih medijev/metod
Video_Dig uvodba modula_KomercPoc_BQA di[...]
PDF-Dokument [106.7 KB]

1.5 Module „Digitisation in nursing and health professions”


In English:

Didactical preparation for the qualification module – Digitisation in nursing and health professions
Module Health Professions_BOQua digital_[...]
PDF-Dokument [421.6 KB]
Introduction to the module using digital media / methods
Dig module introduction_HealthCareProf_B[...]
Microsoft Power Point-Präsentation [491.3 KB]

In Spanish:

Didáctico módulo – Digitalización en profesiones sanitarias y asistenciales
Módulo profesiones sanitarias _BOQua di[...]
PDF-Dokument [408.3 KB]

2. Vocational field-specific measure concepts for vocational orientation with focus on the digitisation in the world of work/professions


The five newly developed vocational field-specific measure concepts are vocational field-specific and in particular focus on digitisation in the world of work/professions and centre the resulting challenges and requirements. In addition, the measure concepts take into account changed and new job profiles and give young people in the career choice process the opportunity to acquire knowledge of the changes, new challenges and requirements due to digitisation in individual professions. Furthermore they get the opportunity to test things directly and practical. At the same time, the concepts partly cover overarching topics such as questions about data security and protection, cloud computing, digital learning and domain-specific changes such as digitisation trends in different vocational fields. The five measure concepts are different in their formation and structure, but they are all transferable to different vocational fields. For this purpose especially the content has to be adapted to other professions. The five measure concepts focus on digitisation with the following vocational field-specific orientations:

1. Industrial-technical vocational field

2. Craft vocational field

3. Commercial vocational field

4. Environmental vocational field

5. Vocational field health and care

The measure concepts are new and current instruments for vocational orientation specialists, which in turn contribute to a qualitatively better, specific and up-to-date vocational orientation of the young people and offer them, among other things, new professional opportunities and highlight the attractiveness of unattractive professions. By using the concepts young people can orientate themselves more specifically and according to their vocational interests, aptitudes and inclinations and make their career choices by taking into account the changes in the world of work/professions due to the increasing digitisation.

Measure concept with focus on environmental professions (English)
Measure concept_enviro prof_BOQua digita[...]
PDF-Dokument [278.4 KB]
Measure concept with focus on industrial-technical professions (English)
Measure concept_ind-tech prof_BOQua digi[...]
PDF-Dokument [288.0 KB]
Maßnahmekonzept mit Fokus auf gewerblich-technischen Berufen (German)
Maßnahmekonzept_gewerb-tech Berufe_BOQua[...]
PDF-Dokument [292.1 KB]
Measure concept with focus on craft professions (English)
Measure concept_craft prof_BOQua digital[...]
PDF-Dokument [281.0 KB]
Maßnahmekonzept mit Fokus auf handwerklichen Berufen (German)
Maßnahmekonzept_handw Berufe_BOQua digit[...]
PDF-Dokument [308.7 KB]
Measure concept with focus on commercial professions (English)
Measure concept_com prof_BOQua digital_e[...]
PDF-Dokument [282.6 KB]
Koncept ukrepa s poudarkom na trgovskem področju (Slovenian)
Koncept ukrepa_trgov podr_BOQua digital_[...]
PDF-Dokument [369.3 KB]
Measure concept with focus on health and care professions (English)
Measure concept_health prof_BOQua digita[...]
PDF-Dokument [278.9 KB]
Concepto de medidas para las profesiones sanitarias y asistencial (Spanish)
Concepto de medidas_sani prof_BOQua digi[...]
PDF-Dokument [266.3 KB]

3. Overview of professions of EU core training professions - changes,

challenges and requirements


The overview of the professions of EU core training professions with focus on changes, challenges and requirement due to digitisation includes a comprehensive selection of different trainings professions of five vocational fields

  1. Industrial-technical vocational field
  2. Craft vocational field
  3. Commercial vocational field
  4. Environmental vocational field
  5. Vocational field health and care

It goes beyond the usual representations and includes aspects that current representations only marginally or not at all take into account. In particular, the changes, challenges and requirements that due to the increasing digitisation in the working/professional world changed the professional profiles will be represented beside general data. The overview should be a core tool for specialists of vocational orientation show that provide them significant support in the implementation of their vocational orientation activities. And it can and should also be used as a support instrument by the direct beneficiaries of the vocational orientation, young people in the career choice process. They can use it as a source of information and data to generate the essential information they need to confirm or to influence their career choice.

The overview is structured in a logical system (e.g. breakdown according to vocational fields), which makes it easy to use. In addition, it is structured in such a way that more as well as new professions can be supplemented at any time. The described training professions are a main selection of professions per vocational field. If there are country specifics it is mentioned in the different Chapters (vocational fields). But that’s easily to adapted. Furthermore many data (relevant school subjects, skills and necessary social skills) were summarized in Excel-tables as an attachment to the main document. By this instrument it is possible to compare the needed requirements of the training professions on one hand and on the other hand young people or the specialists for vocational orientation whether the requirements correspond to the abilities (strengthen and interests) of the individual person in the career choice process at a glance. Due to the systematically, it is possible to digitize the overview at a later point in time and to integrate its content, for example, into existing profession databases.

Overview of EU core training professions with focus on digitisation

Overview of professions_BQA dig_eng
Overview of professions_BQA dig_eng.pdf
PDF-Dokument [943.0 KB]
Attachment overview of profession_BQA dig_eng
Attachment overview of profession_BQA di[...]
Microsoft Excel-Dokument [1.0 MB]

Überblick über EU-Kernausbildungsberufe mit Fokus auf Digitalisierung

Berufsübersicht_Digitalisierung_BQA dig_dt
Berufsübersicht_Digitalisierung_BQA dig[...]
PDF-Dokument [929.6 KB]
Anhang zur Berufsübersicht_BQA dig_dt
Anhang zur Berufsübersicht_BQA dig_dt.x[...]
Microsoft Excel-Dokument [1.4 MB]

4. Quality standards for the vocational-field specific measures for vocational orientation


The quality standards for the vocational-field specific measures for vocational orientation (VO) are a necessary, supplementary product for the newly developed measure concepts as well as for vocational orientation measures in general. The document include a detailed presentation of the individual quality standards for the implementation of the VO measures concepts as well as a guide to their importance and use (necessity) with regard to the successful implementation of the VO measures. The document is subdivided into two parts of quality standards:

  1. Quality standards that generally have to be taken into account when implementing measures of any kind.
  2. Quality standards that are specific and relate to the five newly developed measure concepts

The quality standards are designed in such a way that they can also be easily transferred to other VO measures in the future and thus the sustainable benefit is secured. They contribute to the implementation of the VO measures by specialists of VO and make the participation in the VO measures by young people comparable across countries, because so uniform basic structures and some core contents are the basis of the concepts.

The quality standards are subdivided in input, output and process standards in order to take into account as many criteria as possible of the VO measures and to enable a comparability and quality assurance and development. With the help of the quality standards, the framework conditions, prerequisites, requirements, process criteria and content-based quality criteria were developed and be determined.

Quality standards for the vocational-field specific VO measures
Quality standards_BQA dig_eng.pdf
PDF-Dokument [294.5 KB]
Qualitätsstandards für die berufsfeldspezifischen BO-Maßnahmen
Qualitätsstandards_BQA dig_dt.pdf
PDF-Dokument [317.2 KB]
Estándares de calidad para medidas de orientación profesional de sectores profesionales
Estándares de calidad_BQA dig_sp.pdf
PDF-Dokument [294.4 KB]
Standardi kakovosti za specifične ukrepe poklicne orientacije glede na poklicno področje
Standardi kakovosti _BQA dig_slo.pdf
PDF-Dokument [380.0 KB]

5.  Assessment instrument to assess the success of vocational orientation measures


The assessment instrument serves to evaluate the success of the vocational orientation (VO) measures and represents an innovation insofar that there exist no, and in particular, uniform evaluation instrument for evaluating VO measures and its success. By using the instrument, specialists for VO or the institutions implementing the VO measures can check whether individual participants have successfully and satisfactorily completed the measure and, if this is not the case, the vocational orientation process of the individual can be redesigned or optimized for the young people. By evaluating the success of a VO measure and resulting of it an adaptation of the vocational orientation process of the individual young person, it can be guaranteed that they will choose the right profession and don’t quit an apprenticeship prematurely due to a lack of information and knowledge about e.g. the professional challenges. Furthermore it is designed in such a way that it is possible to compare the successful participation of several participants. Finally, the result of the assessment instrument also provides information whether an adaptation or optimization of the measure is indicated.

The assessment instrument consists 3 parts: 1. A guideline how to use it correctly as well as a description how to analyze the results and 2. the evaluation questionnaires (these are included in the integrated guideline) and 3. an analysis tool (Excel file). Overall, the assessment instrument was designed in such a way that it is easy to handle and practicable for the beneficiaries and provides clear and effective results.

It can be easily transferred to different VO measures (concepts) and used by the different VO specialists and the various institutions implementing VO measures across the EU.

Assessment instrument to assess the success of VO measures

Assessment instrument_BQA dig_eng
Assessment instrument_BQA dig_eng.pdf
PDF-Dokument [1'019.6 KB]
Assessment instrument_BQA dig_eng
Analysis tool_BQA dig_eng.xlsx
Microsoft Excel-Dokument [962.5 KB]

Assessmentinstrument zur Bewertung von BO-Maßnahmen

Assessmentinstrument_BQA dig_dt
Assessmentinstrument_BQA dig_dt.pdf
PDF-Dokument [1'010.8 KB]
Analysetool_BQA dig_dt
Analysetool_BQA dig_dt.xlsx
Microsoft Excel-Dokument [962.6 KB]

Instrumento de valoración para la evaluación de las medidas de orientación profesional

Instrumento de evaluación_BQA dig_sp
Instrumento de evaluación_BQA dig_sp.pd[...]
PDF-Dokument [1'022.0 KB]
Herramienta de análisis_BQA dig_sp
Herramienta de análisis_BQA dig_sp.xlsx
Microsoft Excel-Dokument [964.4 KB]

Ocenjevalni instrument za vrednotenje ukrepov poklicne orientacije

Orodje za ocenjevanje_BQA dig_slo
Orodje za ocenjevanje_BQA dig_slo.pdf
PDF-Dokument [1.1 MB]
Orodje za analizo_BQA dig_slo
Orodje za analizo_BQA dig_slo.xlsx
Microsoft Excel-Dokument [965.6 KB]

6.  Guideline for the implementation of the EU-wide uniform qualification

      modules for further training of vocational orientation specialists


The following guideline for implementation of the EU-wide uniform qualification modules that are develop in the Erasmus+-project “BOQua digital”  include beside a proposal for the implementation at the European level as well as different proposals for implementing at the national level of the participating partner countries (Germany, Austria, Slovenia, Spain and the UK/Scotland). In order to understand why such a further training is necessary for specialists of vocational orientation, at first the need of specific qualifications concerning digitisation was described. In the overall guideline it was described in general and in the national guidelines (proposal documents) with focus on the country-specific framework conditions. The different proposals for implementation were developed against the background of the different VET systems of the partner countries.

Because the implementation of the five specific qualification modules as further training have to be financed, also proposals for funding have been developed and highlighted in separate chapters per country. The individual country-specific proposals for the implementation and financing were developed independently by the respective partners and discussed in detail in the project consortium. Furthermore for the different country-specific proposals for implementation the project partner create an own document (in English and their language) beside the whole guideline, which includes both EU proposal as well as all country proposals.

Complete guideline for implementation of the EU-wide uniform qualification modules
Total Guideline implementation_BQA dig_e[...]
PDF-Dokument [281.1 KB]
Gesamter Leitfaden zur Implementierung der EU-weit einheitlichen Qualifizierungsmodule
Gesamter Leitfaden Implementierung_BQA d[...]
PDF-Dokument [283.7 KB]

Country-specific proposals / guidelines for implementation of the qualification modules



Guideline for implementation of the qualification modules in Germany
Guideline implementation Germany_BQA dig[...]
PDF-Dokument [154.0 KB]
Leitfaden zur Implementierung der Qualifizierungsmodule in Deutschland
Leitfaden Implementierung Deutschland_BQ[...]
PDF-Dokument [155.2 KB]


Guideline for implementation of the qualification modules in Austria
Guideline implementation Austria_BQA dig[...]
PDF-Dokument [191.1 KB]
Leitfaden zur Implementierung der Qualifizierungsmodule in Österreich
Leitfaden Implementierung Österreich_BQ[...]
PDF-Dokument [192.6 KB]


Guideline for implementation of the qualification modules in Slovenia
Guideline implementation Slovenia_BQA di[...]
PDF-Dokument [168.7 KB]
Vodnik za implementacijo kvalifikacijskih modulov v Sloveniji
Vodnik za implementacijo Sloveniji_BQA d[...]
PDF-Dokument [241.1 KB]


Guideline for implementation of the qualification modules in Spain
Guideline implementation Spain_BQA dig_e[...]
PDF-Dokument [197.5 KB]
Guía para la implementación de módulos de cualificación en España
Guía para la implementación Espana_BQA[...]
PDF-Dokument [199.8 KB]

United Kingdom 

Guideline for implementation of the qualification modules in UK
Guideline implementation UK_BQA dig_eng.[...]
PDF-Dokument [151.7 KB]
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